

Youngsters take part in gastronomy program in a partnership with Nestlè

The Project YOCUTA includes lectures about nutrition and employment, interaction with Top Chefs and a competition for courses at Instituto Laurent


About 20 youngsters from the Technical Cooking Course at AFESU Moinho are participating of the Project Young Culinary Talents (YOCUTA), an initiative by Nestlé Professional Latin America. The project aims to expand professional perspectives of young culinary talents, mainly the ones from public school.

Besides allowing students to get to know more about Nestlé, the program includes four lectures to help them in their professional life: introduction to Nestlé Professional; basic knowledge of nutrition; how to write a resumé and be successful at a job interview; and the experience of cooking live with the Top Chefs Laurent Suaudeau and Flávio Federico.

At the end of the project, the participants have a theoretical evaluation about the themes worked, as well as a practical test about two cooking techniques, preparation of an omelet and choux pastry. According to the results, they compete with students from other institutions to take part in courses from their areas of activity. The top six finishers win a course at Instituto Laurent and a Nestlé Professional Confectionery Course, whereas those from the 7th to the 12th places win a Nestlé Professional Confectionery Course.