

#SerMulherEmTech #Inspirar #Encantar

AFESU Morro Velho welcomed the women from the group Ser mulher em Tech (be a tech woman)


In the Professional Guiding Workshop, on may, the students from the First Job Project received the professionals Cinthia, Renata, Cecilia and Jaqueline, from the group Ser Mulher em Tech (be a tech woman).

Cecilia Marshall, the current leader of marketing in SAP Brazil and founder of the group, talked a little about this project: “In June 2016, I created #SerMulherEmTech #Inspirar #Encantar (#beatechwoman #inspire #enchant), because the existing statistics showed that from the few girls that studied technology, 70% gave up on their first year due to lack of female role models. The #SerMulherEmTech #Inspirar #Encantar works with exactly that, creating a collection of stories about successful “regular” women on technology. Through those stories, we expect to inspire girls and enchant them to following a career. The blog  was created and we began telling those stories.

By the end of 2016, we did our 1st Annual Encounter, in SAP, where we gathered girls from different places in São Paulo. In 2017, we did a few meetings in public schools, always bringing information from available education and promoting those encounters  between the girls and executive women. In December 2017 we also promoted the 2nd Annual Encounter, this time, in CA Technologies. On that year we worked with 200 youngsters.

Currently, the project has a partnership with FIA to grant scholarship for short courses in FIA LabData and, from now, six girls are participating on that program. Stories such as Yasmin Oliveira, participant of this project, choose the Information Systems graduation, one of the motors of #SerMulherEmTech #Inspirar #Encantar.”

In this activity, the visitors told their professional experiences and the possibilities that exist for women in IT, showing data about woman in the market and conversation with the students.

“Thanks to this action, our youngsters will be more prepared for the market”, says Cristina Pacheco, AFESU Morro Velho director.